Всем привет....Выручите пожалуйста меня.Очень буду вам благодарен...У меня есть фильм....там говорится по арабски(а арабский я не знаю),а внизу субтитр(текст)по англ пишет....ВОТ ТЕКСТ
my God grant you a long life.i bear with me a message from Iraq.Did Hussein ibn Ali killed?your judgement has been passed Kufa.Abaydulla has stranded him at a place... that has been retered to as Karbala. it is grateful for what he has done.If the swords won't leave him dead surely it's the thirst that will get rid of him.in Damascus? not my God grant you a long life.i bear with me a message from Iraq.Did Hussein ibn Ali killed?your judgement has been passed Kufa.Abaydulla has stranded him at a place... that has been retered to as Karbala. it is grateful for what he has done.If the swords won't leave him dead surely it's the thirst that will get rid of him.in Damascus? not violating Romans so instead you've violated the grandson of the Prophet of God?
-Haven't I told you not to interfere with the process of my commands?
-You thought your commands will be passed on by me when all your companions were their to assist.it's a pity ruling with a monkey on your side murdering Hussein Ibn Ali
-No one shall tell me what to do.Haven't you even seen the records of my successful achievements all for the sake of this nation.Who rebeled against us...other then the likes of Hussein and the followers.
-And are you not speaking to yourself deeply towards who you are fighting against. This overflown hatred against Hussein and the arrogance you have against his status.If you had no opinion of killing him you wouldn't have been in phase of the whispering devil.And you also wouldn't have sent all your books to your soldiers to kill Hussein.And the preceding commands imposed are clear as they are.
I swear by God that there hasn't been any tribe relentless to kill their own Prophets offsprings.I swear by God that he never has agreed upon beheading people for the tyrants, And imposed their own laws on top of the Muslims.Don't be decieved by any false lies from anybody, And don't be fearful from these tyrants who live in castles and palaces.I swear by God,that if you raise your swords of sticks on Hussein God shall truely rid out all his clemency from you And will indeed bring down His wrath upon.
Say that if you were all at your houses.. the ones written for them to kill shall return back, And God shall keep into trial what is in your chests and He shall look into your hearts God is all khowing for what is kept inside thy chests.Truthful BE ALLAH the most high and the greatest.Be ready for trial.Know that Allah save you and will assist you from cruelty of your enemies.And will change your hardships into Goodness, And will punish your enemies various different kinds of torture Andwill substitute this hardship of yours into various different forms of pleasent wealth. So don't you complain and do not say for what demeans your own status And I shall now leave you on with Gods mercy.
Я перевел,но не все получилось.....Так что очень надеюсь на вас....ЗАРАНЕЕ СПАСИБО.